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Sharon Reed | The Heritage Ensemble

Sharon Reed

Founder/Artistic Director of the heritage ensemble

The heritage ensemble

Founded in 1999

The Heritage Ensemble performed its inaugural concert at Dingledine Music Center in August 1999 in preparation for the Opera Illinois production of Porgy and Bess. Conceived out of a need to fill a cultural void in the region, the Ensemble exists to celebrate African American history and culture through music. People of all cultures will be exposed to the diversity, beauty, richness, and complexity of musical genres born out of the African American experience in this country. These diverse genres — spirituals, blues, ragtime, jazz, gospel, work songs, and hollers— are presented as “edutainment” for the community.

The Heritage Ensemble presents three major concerts per year: The Dr. Martin Luther King Choral Celebration, Juneteenth: An American Celebration, and An Evening of Jazz! Whether it is through our singing or the message in our music, the Heritage Ensemble strives to tear down walls and bridges between all people. The Heritage Ensemble takes great pride in being leaders in enriching the cultural fabric of the region.

This season was made possible, in part, by leadership gifts from:
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